The FCA has introduced new requirements in relation to Product Governance, General Insurance Pricing Practices, and delivering Fair Value to customers.
As the insurer and product manufacturer, we are expected to provide our product distributors with information about those insurance products we underwrite and they distribute. As a market-wide exercise, the insurance industry associations have agreed a standard template for use to facilitate both the provision of this information to distributors and to gather their responses. This template is known as the Product Value – Information Exchange document.
Completion of this template will assist in ensuring all parties continue to act in customers’ best interests and confirm that the products they receive continue to deliver fair value.
If you are one of our distributors, you will have received an email asking you to complete a Product Value – Information Exchange document for each of the products you distribute, and you can find the relevant documents below for HCC International Insurance Company plc (HCCII), Lloyd’s Syndicate 4141, Managed by HCC Underwriting Agency Ltd (HCCUA), and Houston Casualty Company - London Branch (HCCL).
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
To add a combined product, first locate the product you distribute from the list provided on the platform. You will then have the option to 'add combined product' to include any other products that are combined with it.
To add a combined product, first locate the product you distribute from the list provided on the platform. You will then have the option to 'add combined product' to include any other products that are combined with it.
To add a combined product, first locate the product you distribute from the list provided on the platform. You will then have the option to 'add combined product' to include any other products that are combined with it.
To download any required documents for, Accident & Health, Professional Indemnity, Liability, Marine, Marine Liability, WorldTrips, J Business, Contingency and Delegated Property please click on the link below.
To download any required documents for, FCA documentation, distributor FAQs and communications.
No, this is simply a trading name we use to cover all of our underwriting platforms in the UK. The actual legal names of our insurer platforms are:
It’s important for you to check which of our underwriting entities is providing the products you are distributing as this will be one of the first questions asked when you are completing your information for the Fair Value exercise.