Wednesday 28 July 2021 - Thought Leadership

The Fundamentals of PI Claims

By Amanda Westerberg and Warren Owen

 Following the success of our previous webinar PI Insurance: The Fundamentals. We are pleased to have recently hosted our next topic, The Fundamentals of PI Claims.

DO Group

This session, hosted by two of our PI Claims experts; Senior Claims Adjusters, Amanda Westerberg and Warren Owen, aimed to educate brokers on our top tips for speeding up the claims process for their clients, and to help brokers understand how TMHCC’s processes work. The panel also covered key topics including: when a claim should be notified; answered our most frequently asked questions; and provided their key tips for brokers.

For those who missed the virtual event, you can catch up by watching the session below.


Fundamentals of PI Claims

Contact details

Amanda Westberg
Amanda Westerberg

Claims Adjuster

Contact details

Warren Owen
Warren Owen

Senior Claims Adjuster