Stop Loss Group Policy Issuance

Policy Administration

Tokio Marine HCC - Stop Loss Group issues a medical stop loss policy for all new and renewal business. The issuance of medical stop loss is handled by our experienced and professional staff at our corporate headquarters.

Our objective is to have the stop loss policy issued as soon as possible. If the policy is not issued within 90 days from the effective date, the group's coverage is subject to rescission.

Information Needed to Issue the Stop Loss Policy:

  • Binder premium (or renewal binder premium) and accounting worksheet
  • Signed application
  • Signed coverage endorsements / addendums
  • Any case specific information requested by the underwriter
  • Business associate agreement (not mandatory, but designed to protect policyholder from unauthorized PHI disclosures to Tokio Marine HCC - Stop Loss Group)
  • Plan document (required to reimburse claims)

Policy documents must be signed by both the policyholder and the licensed agent appointed by Tokio Marine HCC - Stop Loss Group.

Our stop loss applications and endorsements vary by state and may contain certain exclusions and/or limitations.