Our product categories

Browse by category or choose from the list below.


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Aviation General


Our specialty insurance products for general aviation and nonstandard aircraft risks include personal aircraft coverage and other property / casualty coverage for pilots, student pilots, aircraft owners, hangar owners and others in the aviation industry.

Artisan edited

Casualty Liability

Offering a diverse range of products backed by creative underwriting solutions, our exceptional financial stability and industry ratings.



Tokio Marine HCC – Specialty Group offers insurance solutions for the sports, promotional, and entertainment sectors that are designed to protect consumers against risks beyond their control.

Credit and political risk

Credit & Political Risk

Credit makes the world go round but risk can knock it off its axis.

crisis management

Crisis Management Insurance

Crisis management insurance policies from Tokio Marine HCC - Specialty Group assist companies in times of crisis with profit restoration and brand rehabilitation.

crop field


A lot can happen between the time a crop is planted and when it is harvested. To help protect your investment, we offer a wide range of products including the Federal Crop Insurance Program, crop hail and named peril insurance provided through ProAg. These products insure against low yields and the loss of revenue from market changes.

Cyber & Tech

With cyber threats on the rise, having the right Cyber & Technology insurance coverage can help mitigate the potentially devastating costs of recovering from such an event, including legal fees, data recovery expenses, and damage to your reputation. Click the arrow to see our broad product and service offerings below.



Energy is a complex business requiring specialist support. Look no further than TMHCC.

lock box

Fiduciary & Crime

Coverage ideally suited for trustees and fiduciaries.

financial building

Financial & Professional

Our Financial and Professional policies cover a wide range of liabilities including Cyber, Fiduciary, Errors & Omissions, Employment Practices and more.

travel insurance

Global Travel Insurance

Tokio Marine HCC offers travel insurance to protect the consumer against risks beyond their control.

Marine landing


As part of a complex global trading system, your shipping runs many risks. Give it the protection it deserves with TMHCC’s tailored approach.


Medical Stop Loss

We empower employers of all sizes to deliver competitive healthcare benefits.

high limit

Prestige Disability - High Limit Disability

Our products are critically important for highly compensated executives, entertainers, and professional athletes around the world who are concerned about their financial viability should they become disabled.

Professional Liability

Professional Liability insurance is essential for any individual or business that provides professional services. Without this coverage, the costs of legal defense and settlements could be significant, putting their business at risk. Our Professional Liability coverages provide protection and peace of mind for you and your client's services. Click the arrow to see our professional insurance product offerings below.

city hall

Public Entity

An expansive range of property and casualty coverages, designed exclusively for public entities.

Solar Panels


GCube is the specialist provider of insurance services for utility-scale renewable energy projects around the globe.

shopping mall

Structured Products

Protect against unexpected loss of asset value with mortgage, residual value and credit insurance options.


Surety Bonds

Safeguard against defaults in both performance and payment by a principal with a surety bond from Tokio Marine HCC.


Transactional Risk Insurance

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals are a necessary part of corporate dynamics. However, each one presents a completely new and unique set of risk issues for companies to consider.

Turnkey Reinsurance & Programs

We remain at the forefront of innovative, specialty products. For over 20 years, we have been providing risk bearers with unique Turnkey Reinsurance products, programs and services. To remain agile and innovative in an ever-evolving marketplace, we help our clients get to market quickly with bespoke products inclusive of our comprehensive services.