Provided by Marine Cargo

Marine Cargo

Goods are vulnerable whether in storage or in transit. With TMHCC’s support, you can carry on with confidence.

We know that your goods are crucial to your ability to trade, which is why we have created a dedicated, experienced team to ensure that wherever your goods are and however they are being transported, we’ve got them covered.

Using our own company paper, often supplemented with Lloyd’s capacity, we have the appetite to consider most risks. And with our minimum ‘A’ financial rating, you know that should the worst happen, we’ll always be here to help with the fallout.

Our dedicated team of marine underwriters have over 50 years’ combined experience and understand the importance of speed when it comes to trade, always aiming to provide a quick response to your query.


Best for

  • Marine Cargo - Protecting your goods in storage or in transit.
  • Portia - Securing supply chains for SMEs across the globe.

Summary of coverage

Our cover is available across a broad range of industries to all types of businesses, whether you’re a smaller local trader or a large public company. Our policies provide comprehensive cover and we have the flexibility to tailor our products to meet your particular needs, enabling you to trade with confidence and focus on growing your business.

Your team

Head office

20 Fenchurch St
London EC3M 3BY
United Kingdom

Harry Jenkins
Harry Jenkins

Marine Cargo Underwriter

Bethany Noonan
Bethany Noonan

Underwriting Assistant - Marine Cargo

why choose tmhcc

Why choose Tokio Marine HCC?

Tokio Marine HCC is a leading specialty insurance group with offices in the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Europe, transacting business in approximately 180 countries and underwriting more than 100 classes of specialty insurance.

More about us Financial strength

Not all products, coverages, or features may be available in all states. Restrictions, exclusions, limitations, and conditions apply and you should see your agent for more information. Certain products and services are provided through non-admitted insurance carriers and are not subject to certain State Guaranty Funds.