As companies and organizations are being required to carry sexual misconduct and molestation insurance, insurers are specifically excluding these exposures. Unlike other insurers, at TMHCC we know how important these exposures are and offer Sexual Misconduct and Molestation Liability (SMML) coverage to a broad range of classes.
For product inquiries or submissions: [email protected]
Sexual Misconduct and Molestation Insurance gives organizations protection against sexual misconduct and molestation claims. Our policy covers allegations of sexual abuse, molestation, or mistreatment or maltreatment of a sexual nature, as well as allegations of negligent employment, investigation, supervision, training or retention of, or failure to report to proper authorities, a person who committed abuse or molestation.
Not all products, coverages, or features may be available in all states. Restrictions, exclusions, limitations, and conditions apply and you should see your agent for more information. Certain products and services are provided through non-admitted insurance carriers and are not subject to certain State Guaranty Funds.